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Kruške sa ementalerom i pršutom

kruske sa ementalerom1 sa wm(scroll down for the recipe in English)

Evo je čarolija #3. O čaroliji #1 pročitajte ovde, a o čaroliji #2 ovde.


  • 2 zrele kruške
  • 200 g ementalera
  • 8 listića pršute
  • 2 kašičice meda
  • 2 kašičice maslinovog ulja


Kruške isecite na osmine i očistite ih od semenki. Ementaler isecite na 16 štapića, a svaki list pršute na pola po dužini. Na krišku kruške bočno stavite štapić sira, sve umotajte pršutom i ređajte na tanjir za serviranje. Poposkajte medom i maslinovim uljem.


Pears with Emmental and prosciutto


  • 2 ripe pears
  • 200 g Emmental cheese
  • 8 slices prosciutto
  • 2 teaspoons honey
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil


Cut the pears into eighths and cored them. Slice the cheese into 16 sticks and each slice of prosciutto in half lengthwise. On each slice of pear put one stick of cheese, wrap with prosciutto and put on a serving plate. Drizzle with honey and olive oil.

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